The Right Team – Right Strategy to Success

In July 1940, the skies over England were the next phase of Nazi Germany’s European conquest plans as the Battle of Britain commenced. Lasting until the 31st October, the Luftwaffe was intended to destroy the RAF and pave a way for an invasion of England from the continent.
Confident after defeating England’s allies and outnumbering the RAF nearly 4:1, the Luftwaffe failed to defeat the RAF and the invasion of Britain was cancelled, leading to one of Churchill’s famous quotes. “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few” Whilst not as large as the Luftwaffe, the RAFs strategy, intelligence, and tenacity secured victory over sheer weight of numbers.
Often large legal firms boast that their size is an important reason to choose them as this provides strength, but that may not always guarantee success or a positive legal experience. With national and larger regional practices, a legal matter may be dealt with by paralegals rather than solicitors who lack the same qualifications or experience as a solicitor and may rotate frequently between departments meaning your matter is repeatedly passed between them. Your matter may also be dealt with by a team of people which can cause repetition of information and cause frustration with no one person having responsibility for your matter.
A sole dedicated, experienced and accredited solicitor dealing with your matter from start to finish can have a more significant impact on the outcome and experience.
In addition to the substantive training requirements to become a solicitor, our team have also undertaken additional training and qualifications to make them specialists in their respective areas of practice and respected amongst their peers. This in terms of both legal knowledge and the deployment of it on your matter.
Our Wills, Probate Tax & Trusts team include members of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) and Solicitors for the Elderly. Our Family & Divorce team include members of Resolution Specialists, Collaborative family lawyers and trained mediators to whom other law firms refer their clients Our residential property team have been awarded the Conveyancing Quality Scheme to reflect the quality of their work on property sales, purchases, and mortgaging whilst our Dispute Resolution team includes mental health accredited panel members. A full list of our firm and individual accreditations can be found on our website.
In both personal injury matters and property transactions local knowledge can have a significant impact, whether is the notoriety of a specific road junction in the area or a repetitive issue with all properties on the same estate, the intelligence of the area can save time, costs and prospects of a positive outcome.
We can also use our experience to consider what issues may arise in the future and help you plan to face them in advance so that you are prepared and protected. Whether that is a pre-nuptial agreement ahead of a marriage, a Lasting Power of Attorney for illness or asset protection for residential care fee planning, we can take a proactive approach to assist our clients.
With a history of nearly 50 years providing legal services to individuals and members of HM Armed Forces across Darlington, County Durham, the Tees Valley and North Yorkshire, we may not be the biggest firm but we put our emphasis on expertise and quality as we believe this has a more positive outcome for our clients than size. What’s more, we don not camouflage our advice behind legal jargon but use plain, straightforward, clear advice.
‘The Right Team’ is the 10th image in a series of monthly monochrome images to be featured over a 12 month period across our social media channels to highlight some of the key elements of our service so be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to see the series as they are released.
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